DAO Governance Framework project

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The DAO Governance Framework (DGF) project uses blockchain technology to make decentralized business possible. To do this, we provide tools to build DAOs. DAOs require IT tools to facilitate their decentralized governance. The core tool of decentralized governance is a meaningful and secure reputation token, REP. The core mechanism of REP tokens in DGF is:

  1. REP is minted and given to the person who brings $ to the DAO.
  2. The $ doesn't go to the person who earned it; $ is distributed proportionally to everyone who previously has earned REP.

This wiki explains the consequences of using this type of REP token for building DAOs. How it solves the problems with current blockchain initiatives. How DGF makes business and social collaboration more efficient. How REP-focused governance can create a system that promotes human flourishing, materially, socially, and spiritually. And how such lofty and abstract values can persist in a system that is simultaneously built from cold, hard, algorithmic execution of digitally codified business and civil contracts.

From a wider perspective, the goal of the DGF project is to make and provide tools for individuals to engage with their communities and for communities to organize in pursuit of their values. These tools are encompassed in a software framework, called DGF.

The initial instantiation of the DGF project is based on the architecture detailed in these[1] documents.[2][3] However, the system is designed to be inherently evolutionary and is intended to quickly move beyond the original specifications.

This wiki is intended to record the history of the project, be an official repository of the latest version of DGF, and to serve as a Forum for deliberation on the future direction of the project. We do original research as a rule. We reward original research which remains. We keep a record of old pages, but we replace what is canonical when we agree on a new canonical page.

To help edit this wiki create an account. Contributors are encouraged to consult the DGF Author Style Guide and wiki contributors' guidelines. Consult the Media Wiki User's Guide and MediaWiki FAQ for information on using the wiki software.

DAO Governance Framework[edit | edit source]

Main page: DAO Governance Framework

??should include links to:

Cultural things (such as constitutions and settled laws, agreed upon ways of doing things, design philosophy, values statements, contributors' guide); up-to-date Marketing/Advertisements; fixed Code (!!!), Fixed Plan, Theory, Formulas

DGF solves DAO problems[edit | edit source]

Main page: DGF Fixes Blockchain

??should include links to anything relatively dynamic, evolving, abstract, ideas, such as:

  • goals/plans for the project
  • roadmap
  • arguments/discussions for and against ideas

Applications[edit | edit source]

Main page: DGF Applications

Decentralized scientific societies[edit | edit source]

Main page: Decentralized scientific societies

Decentralized scientific societies (deSci publishing initiative)

Blockchain institutions[edit | edit source]

Main page: Blockchain institutions

FinTech[edit | edit source]

Main page: FinTech

Gig jobs[edit | edit source]

Main page: Gig jobs

Social Groups[edit | edit source]

Main page: Social Groups

Code[edit | edit source]

Repo: https://gitlab.com/dao-governance-framework/

Tech specification: https://spec.dgov.io/

Prototype: https://gitea.dgov.io/DGF/dgf-prototype/

Demo: https://demo.dgov.io/

Downloads[edit | edit source]

See Also[edit | edit source]

Engineering links[edit | edit source]

Academic links[edit | edit source]

  • philosophical motivations
  • sociological justifications
  • legal analyses
  • theoretical economics and game theory arguments
  • mathematical formulas for tokenomics
  • engineering philosophy

Marketing[edit | edit source]

  • recruitment
  • advertisement of products
  • art repo

Downloads[edit | edit source]

  • UIs
  • Block production clients

Affiliated projects[edit | edit source]

  • blockchains
  • data storage
  • deSci community
  • chat platform

Notes & References[edit | edit source]

  1. Craig Calcaterra and Wulf Kaal (2021) Decentralization, De Gruyter.
  2. Craig Calcaterra (May 24, 2018) On-Chain Governance of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3188374 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3188374
  3. Craig Calcaterra, Wulf Kaal, & Vlad Andrei (February 18, 2018) Blockchain Infrastructure for Measuring Domain Specific Reputation in Autonomous Decentralized and Anonymous Systems , U of St. Thomas (Minnesota) Legal Studies Research Paper No. 18-11, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3125822 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3125822