Criticisms of the DGF project

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This page collects arguments against the goals and the implementation of the DAO Governance Framework project and their responses.

Fundamental Criticisms

  • Nothing is perfect
  • Law of Unintended Consequences
  • Chesterton's Fence
  • Financialization is bad It degrades the fundamental human impulse to help without expectation of reward. Under this system, everything is tied to a measured value, then accounted for and rewarded according to whatever system is currently in place, even though that system is necessarily flawed.


Technical Criticisms

  • Blockchain tech is bad
    • Environment
      • PoW uses the amount of energy of Czechoslovakia and it's entirely wasted except for the minor benefit of decentralized consensus
      • Redundancy of decentralized systems is order of magnitude less efficient than centralized databases, independent of PoW
  • P2P tech is for criminals
    • File sharing is theft: e.g., music and movies
    • Bitcoin is only useful for money laundering, drug sales on the internet, sex trafficking

SGF Criticisms

  • Greater communication between scientists can lead to bad outcomes. Science needs independent validations of a theory to prevent bias. So a platform where they can communicate immediately, without careful consideration beforehand can ultimately harm science. Kevin Zollman, e.g., in discussing the social epistemology of science argues that before a scientist's colleagues' results are validated, the scientist being aware of their claims is likely to prejudice the scientist. Related is how scientific results have a statistical problem, that many measurements historical record converge to the most accurate current result from a biased direction (e.g., because the scientists are probably self-censoring themselves, and not reporting results that are too far at variance with the other results).