AI Governance DAO governance process

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The AI Governance DAO (aiGovDAO) follows the general DGF governance process. aiGovDAO uses the REP-weighted Forum to aggregate and filter ideas communicated through member Proposals. wREP tokens then determine the power to validate Proposals for regulating future AI tech development, since each Proposal used by members is validated using wREP voting.

This page gives the details of some sample protocols.

Governance protocols[edit | edit source]

Here we give some initial sample protocols for how the aiGovDAO is governed.

Executive Governance[edit | edit source]

Work Smart Contracts[edit | edit source]

Main page: aiGovDAO Work Smart Contracts

aiGovDAO will engage customers for fees using Work Smart Contracts in the following areas:

Protocols will execute automatically based on decisions from Legislative governance.

Automated Staking Scripts[edit | edit source]

The UI for DAO members includes automatic policing functions according to DGF protocol. The automated policing entails voting using REP in policing Validation Pools for each instantiation of a WSC. Assuming all members of the DAO (i.e., all REP holders) are using the latest version of the UI, then they will all be running the same staking scripts, and so every Validation Pool for policing will resolve unanimously. This redundant and inefficient exercise is performed to maintain the integrity of the DAO under decentralized management. In particular, this process guarantees everyone earning REP and performing work is using the same contracts and protocols.

Legislative Governance[edit | edit source]

  • Legislative Proposal
    • Changing the present Changing a parameter value for Validation Pool or changing a WSC
    • Changing the past Changing Forum reference mechanisms protocols going forward, or changing the trigger clause for the arbitration DAO in the WSC
    • Changing the future Changing the way legislative proposals are enacted going forward

Judicial Governance[edit | edit source]

  • Reviewing the past Judicial proposal to readjust REP using Forum reference mechanisms
  • Reviewing the present Trigger clause to arbitration DAO added to WSCs
  • Reviewing the future Judicial Proposal to invalidate legislative proposals as violating transcendent values

Code[edit | edit source]

See Also[edit | edit source]

Notes & References[edit | edit source]