AI Governance DAO

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aiGovDAO is a DAO devoted to democratic governance of the development of artificial intelligence (AI). It uses the DAO Governance Framework to coordinate collaboration the development of artificial general intelligence on a global scale, with the goal of using this tool for the common good.


Every tool is used to increase or diminish humanity. When hominids first used sticks to extend their reach, they discovered a new opportunity to defend their band from predators and increase their power to acquire food. The first spear was also used to oppress the band of hominids violently. Every tool can be used to support, defend, and promote human flourishing. And every tool can be used to undermine, attack, and oppress humanity.

AI is a new tool that is disrupting human society on a scale previously unimagined. Machine learning has transformed the way people interact with their world. The Google search engine has given people powers of understanding their world that would embarrass the gods of Greece. Humans are now faster than Hermes was ever described. Google Maps has made us more knowledgeable of local geographical than Athena.

Machine learning and neural networks are different than other tools in their global effect. The sweeping interconnection of web communication aggregates global information more effectively than any national intelligence agency has ever before aspired. These tools effectively exploit this information to solve any problem posed in ways that surprise us with their effectiveness and creativity. Contemporary AI tools such as ChatGPT and DALL E 2 have put this power in the hands of anyone with a cell phone. The promises and threats that the use of this tool poses for humanity cannot be overstated.

Like any tool, AI cannot be simply suppressed. We don't have the governmental structures to achieve that in our current global society. Perhaps that is for the best as it allows us the freedom to .

aiGovDAO uses the structure of DAOs to foster democratic collaboration to develop AI tools in the service of the common good. Decentralized organization is used to filter information at the edge and promote the best ideas from the globe to guide the development of AI in a direction that supports human values, protecting individuals from oppression while promoting human harmony and flourishing.


aiGovDAO uses the REP-weighted Forum to aggregate and filter ideas.


Proposals for how to use and limit AI tools can be added to the Forum by anyone. Before the proposals are exploited for profit, a generalized PageRank algorithm weights the value of such proposals by their context in the WDAG in order to promote some suggestions over others. Once proposal are implemented, their REP value is given foundational meaning when fees are shared with the DAO.

AI itself is used in the process of governance, as proposals will be generated by NNs, but selected and promoted by human discernment.


See Also

Notes & References