Decentralized news media

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Revision as of 02:45, 23 March 2023 by Craig Calcaterra (talk | contribs) (Created page with "News production has degenerated in response to the concentration of outlet ownership and the current social media experience. The clickbait culture incentivized by the typical social media platform discourages nuance in reporting and transmission of news stories. Context stripping, cherry picking, and good vs. evil storytelling are extremely successful in the Darwinistic environment of algorithmic information filtering. Eliminating the use of these algorithms in the...")
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News production has degenerated in response to the concentration of outlet ownership and the current social media experience.

The clickbait culture incentivized by the typical social media platform discourages nuance in reporting and transmission of news stories. Context stripping, cherry picking, and good vs. evil storytelling are extremely successful in the Darwinistic environment of algorithmic information filtering.

Eliminating the use of these algorithms in the transmission of information is not possible. Improving the algorithms, to make the filtering process more effective in transmitting better stories, is the correct path forward.

The solution is to decentralize the power of news production and transmission. News production can be decentralized by giving reporters greater power over their stories, by giving reporters ownership of their stories on a platform which organizes reporters with similar standards and values. News transmission can be decentralized by giving consumers greater control over their experience. Consumers of news media (readers, listeners, and viewers) are given greater control of the algorithm that filters content, according to their standards and values.