
From DAO Governance Wiki
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Governance is the process by which a DAO maintains its coherence in the present, guides the group into the future, and reviews its past actions. These domains are covered by executive, legislative, and judicial governance. By definition, all types of governance fall into one or more of these branches.

In DGF all governance is determined through REP-weighted democracy. REP is gained by peer validation and staked upon assertions. Following the requirement that REP be domain specific in order to give the tokens the authentic meaning of reputation, governance through REP tokens will usually require a distinct type of REP token, gREP, instead of the main type of REP token the DAO uses to measure the reputation of expert workers, wREP.

Executive governance

Main page: Executive governance

Automated policing of peer work.

Legislative governance

Main page: Legislative governance

Debating and voting on updates to DAO operating parameters and smart contracts (hard protocols), and cultural norms (soft protocols).

Judicial governance

Main page: Judicial governance

Reviewing past actions and decisions by revaluing the Forum