DGF SCRUM Ceremonies

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1/12-19/2023: Reputation Tokenomics Sprint

Review & Planning:

News: Craig is traveling to Mauritius 1/21. We will see if his colleagues there will be interested in what we are doing.


  • Work Accomplished:
    • Ladd worked Forum "refund" code. Also refit ERC721 base code to fit DGF. Each post is now an NFT with the property value changing rather than how Craig had originally conceived of an "in-system" fungible NFT. Ladd's solution is more elegant.
    • Kung is finishing up NSF National I-Corps application via documentation around kickstarting a DeSci/MetaSci Consortium with 100x published interviews.
  • Discussions:
    Ladd has been working on "Node Spec." "Storage Spec" comes next.
    Ladd's code, how to apply it to a consensus protocol, and next steps (passive and active reputation). Figure shows where we are according to Ladd SPD-3 drawing


  • Action Items: Reputation Tokenomics Sprint Continues
    • Ladd:
      • Work on 1xreputation consensus protocol implementation.
    • Kung:
      • Setup meeting transcription for meetings
      • Setup Roadmap


  1. What did we do right in the previous sprint?
    1. Start sprinting.
  2. What did we do wrong in the previous sprint?
    1. Too early to tell. Daily standups have been taking 20min for 2x people. We should try to cut it down to 10-15min.
  3. What should we start doing in the next sprint?
    1. Have the ceremonies tied to the roadmap that Kung will be building out.
  4. What should we stop doing in the next sprint?
    1. Too early to tell.
  5. What can we do to improve productivity?
    1. Otter AI setup to record and summarize review and planning meetings.